It's very good gesture when you try to solve other's problems, when you help others and when you be kind to others.But while solving anyone's problem when you detach yourself from that person you can solve that person's problem effectively without hurt yourself emotionally.Actually when you detach yourself from person this doesn't mean you don't have any care and love for that person,it actually means by detaching yourself emotionally you can take care of them,you can solve their problems in right way beacuse in that situation your mind would be stress free and with undivided attention you can solve others problems easily. You can take the example of doctor and patient if doctor is emotionally attached to the patient then doctor would think why patient is in so much pain,why this thing happened to him etc. these type of things.With this divided attention it is impossible to treat the patient effectively, if doctor leave other all things and focus on just treat the patient then result would be up to the mark because patient already in pain,he can't carry other's emotional pain.Actually when any person in pain or in any kind of problem,not able to bear the emotional pain of other's towards him,Actually person requires that time encouragement, motivation, kindness ,positivity etc. by showing these things towards the person you can solve half of the problem. Person gets too much strength from others if he has positive and kind people around in this way person can solve problems by ownself.
If you want to live a peaceful life and want to have better relations with others then emotional detachment works a lot.when you are emotionally detached with any person firstly you would give right suggestion to the person related to any kind of problem and secondly if you are not able to solve that person's problem then there would not be any kind of regret you feel.You peacefully accept whichever result would be and no effect on your life.When you are emotionally detached from people around you then you would be always in balance, you would be with them in their Joys and sorrows but their Joys and sorrows can't take away your peace. So everything would be in your control even while living with them,dealing with them and these things help you to live peacefully with others.
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